Overall I was very impressed with this particular opening, it contained quite a bit of stylized editing as well as many effective media techniques to successfully create a tense atmosphere.
This group used a discrete title sequence style opening, they used this to their advantage as it shows the city and gives the viewer a sense of the setting and fast paced nature the film will probably include. This was portrayed through the contrasting slow and fast motion effects used on the city scene, creating the idea that something eerie is going on.
During the opening, cut aways were used, this added to the suspense because it creates a sense of danger and lets the viewer know that these cut aways have something to with the events that will unfold, e.g a man walking in to a phone box and a wide shot of the view of an alley way as if it is an eyeline match and somebody is watching.
The camera work is used to create confusion and make the viewer wonder what is going on and who the character in the suit is, this is started with the cut in's of the texts on the phones...
And followed by close up shots of the male's clothing, without revealing his face...
The jumpy editing and filming from the girl's perspective connotes a sense of her fear when she is in the phone box. She is looking around unsteadily, giving the impression that she is afraid or looking for something.
We are shown a low angle shot of some of the buildings in the city as the mysterious man is walking, this could infer that the city is big and dangerous and the business they are about to deal with is crucial but also intimidating.
The non digetic sound that is used is eerie, slow paced mysterious music, I think it is effective as it works well to create a tense atmosphere alongside the dim lighting which is used to show danger and darkness.
Although i found the opening to 'Inside' well done, one fault was the mis-en-scene shown through the characters. They are meant to be business people so i think that older actors should have been used to make this point more evident.